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How to clean and arrange the kitchen

18-02-2023, 05:49 PM
Message : #1
How to clean and arrange the kitchen
Arranging and cleaning the refrigerator
Arranging and cleaning the refrigerator is one of the important things in arranging the kitchen and keeping it clean, so it is preferable to remove foods and foodstuffs from the refrigerator, and rearrange them continuously, to get rid of damaged or expired items. Tidying up the fridge also helps create extra space for keeping new foods

The shelves can be cleaned by mixing two tablespoons of baking soda with a quart of water, and cleaning the drawers and shelves inside the refrigerator with a sponge soaked in the solution, then wiping it with a damp cloth, and drying it with a clean towel.

Putting things in their proper place
Returning items and keeping them in their designated places helps to keep the kitchen clean and tidy, as any item must be returned to its place upon completion of use, and cleaning materials must be returned to their correct place in shelves and cabinets.

waste disposal is essential; In order to maintain the order and cleanliness of the kitchen, damaged and unimportant materials must be disposed of in garbage containers, and then work to empty the containers outside the house after completing the cleaning of the kitchen periodically, and this is indicated. Packages should be cleaned with soap and water, and a clean bag should be placed inside.

Tips for organizing and cleaning the kitchen
There are some tips to help keep the kitchen clean and tidy, including the following: keep an open box of baking soda in the fridge; To get rid of any unpleasant odors inside, baking soda absorbs odors and helps keep your refrigerator smelling fresh and clean.

install hooks and hangers inside cabinet doors; To hang some spoons or some small kitchen utensils. Gather plastic wrap, aluminum foil, and sandwich bags and store them in one drawer.

Destroy all unused items stored in the pantry, such as spices, old flour boxes, and spoiled foods. Move kitchen items that aren't used regularly to the upper shelves, such as an ice cream maker.

Organize your cookbooks and put them in a special shelf and arrange them alphabetically or by topic. Separate nuts, vegetables, and fruits into small storage bags. Fill the sink with hot water and a few drops of soap and place the utensils you want to soak, such as a dish rack and microwave plate.

Clean the microwave thoroughly, inside and out, by spraying detergent on it, leaving it for two minutes, then wiping it with a damp cloth. Clean refrigerator doors, cabinets and electrical appliances regularly. mop the floor, baseboards, and under cabinets regularly; To ensure that food crumbs do not accumulate.

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