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Version complète : This method is engraved in the child's
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[Image: blended_learning_banner.jpg]

This method is engraved in the child's memory, by linking each of the images in front of the child with the letter written under it, it makes the child link between the letter and the image, which makes him learn quickly.
بوربوينت علوم دينية مجتمع بلا أمية التعليم المستمر الفصل الاول

It is scientific information that a child can retain more pictures than words, so this is a very effective way to find the right learning method.

Read four letter words
We have to choose simple words so that the child can read four letter words, such as:

A carpet, a chair, a stream, a tent, a surah, a pomegranate, a valley, a sidewalk, a mosque, a clock, a flower, a game, a palm tree, a telephone, a computer, a screen, a network.

Read also: The curriculum for establishing children
حل أسئلة مهارات حياتية الصف الثالث التعليم المستمر الفصل الاول

Read three letter words
When reading words of three letters, this is the best solution, because these words are very simple for the child, and we can choose words such as:

He wrote, read, played, understood, studied, fasted, sprouted, imposed, slandered, carried, stamped, entered, left, perished, placed, took, offered, removed.

Four-letter words with movements
When going to the beginning of teaching a child to read with movements, we have to start by teaching one movement for all the letters, and the easiest movement is opening, such as: read, write, open...etc.

There are four-letter words with formed vowels, such as: go out, read, plow, plant, and write.
حل أسئلة مهارات حياتية الصف الثاني التعليم المستمر الفصل الاول

The Gaga application offers you many activities to help mothers and fathers provide distance education for children, as the application offers many interactive activities for the child in all fields.

Book now an activity in the Arabic language department to develop your child's reading and writing skills through a distinguished group of male and female teachers.
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