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Version complète : plant
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The presence of flowers and some types of plants that insects prefer. It is attacked and invaded by pests, so it multiplies by it and spreads rapidly. Some may push to get rid of the plant that has become a cause and a target that brings harmful insects to the house, but it must be noted that I can It is necessary to treat them and get rid of these parasitic insects and eliminate them in many ways that preserve the plants and revive them again, as well as prevent their colonization, damage and loss due to these annoying insects.[4] Ways to get rid of some household insects Some harmful household insects can be eliminated in different ways, including What follows: Preventive measures There are some preventive and precautionary measures that combat insects and prevent their entry into the house and limit their spread, namely: [5] Close windows and doors well to ensure that insects do not enter the house through holes and openings in them. installing screen-like screens on windows; To prevent insects from entering when opened. Install narrow thresholds under the doors, and do not leave the distance empty, so as not to allow air, light and insects to pass through them. Repair cracks and fissures in walls and buildings through which insects enter or reside.

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