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Wall cleaning mix
You will not imagine that you have in your kitchen a great material for cleaning walls without damaging them, away from chemical cleaning products that may damage the paint.

This substance is 'vinegar', it is a good cleaner and a natural remover of grease stuck to the walls. Here are some mixtures for cleaning walls with vinegar according to the severity of the dirt and the type of stains. have:

Vinegar-water mixture: Add a cup of water to a liter of water, this mixture is suitable for lightly soiled walls, all you have to do is put a sponge in the mixture, then wipe the walls with it and leave it for 10 minutes , then wipe it again with the same mixture to remove any remaining fatty particles by the wall.

Dish soap and vinegar mixture: It is suitable for very dirty walls, especially those that contain a lot of accumulated fat. Add an amount of dishwashing soap to a liter of water and a cup of vinegar, then clean the wall according to the previous steps.

Vinegar and baking soda mixture: Add a cup of vinegar to a liter of water, then put two tablespoons of baking soda. This mixture is very effective for cleaning walls that contain stubborn stains, and you can also use it to get rid of the effects of adhesives on the walls without worrying about damaging the paint.

There are different types of paints, and the effect of detergents on each of them differs, so it is better to try any cleaning mixture on a small part of the wall before using it on the entire wall, to test its effect in this type of paint first, even if it is a natural mixture, especially if the color of the paint is dark.

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