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Version complète : make your CV more readable and organized
Vous consultez actuellement la version basse qualité d'un document. Voir la version complète avec le bon formatage.
Use bullet points to organize information: Bullet points can help make your CV more readable and organized. Use them to highlight key achievements, responsibilities, and skills.

Consider including a portfolio: If your work involves creative or visual elements, consider including a portfolio of your work along with your CV. This can help demonstrate your skills and experience in a tangible way.

Be strategic with your personal statement: Your personal statement is a chance to make a strong first impression on the employer. Be strategic with your wording, highlighting your most relevant skills and experiences. Avoid generic statements that could apply to anyone.

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Consider the industry and company culture: When creating your CV, consider the industry and company culture you're applying to. Different industries and companies may value different skills and experiences, so it's important to tailor your CV accordingly.

In summary, creating a strong CV requires careful consideration of the employer's perspective, font choice, relevant certifications and licenses, bullet points, portfolio, personal statement, and industry/company culture. By taking these factors into account, job seekers can create a professional and impactful CV that helps them stand out from the competition and land their dream job.
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