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Version complète : What happens to Tyrande in WoW Patch 9.1
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In Patch 9.1 Chains of Dominion, the story continues in new chapters of the Pact campaign. There is also more information about Tyrande Whisperwind and what will happen to her in the future. Because at the moment it has quite big problems - and they will show effects in the upcoming update.

The Nachtfae are looking for a cure for Tyrande as a "subplot" during their campaign, but only partially find it.

What happens to Tyrande in Patch 9.1? During the course of the campaign, all players will come into contact with Tyrande again. To help Tyrande, the player looks for former night warriors who are now in the Shadowlands. These are designed to help alleviate the wrath of Elune in Tyrande.

Finally, there is a great ritual in the Ardenwald, in which many NPCs help to bring Tyrande and Elune's power under control. However, the ritual turns out to be quite exhausting. Tyrande finally loses his temper and attacks the players. Only by joining forces is it possible to stop and contain the wild priestess before a cutscene is played.

Even if the sequence has not yet been implemented, it is already clear what the result is:
Tyrande is freed from the negative influence of the night warrior. Elune herself intervenes and saves the life of the priestess by taking the destructive energies from her. This also means that Tyrande's eyes shine blue again after the ritual. According to the NPCs, Tyrande is still the night warrior and can use the power. Only the negative influence and the self-destruction seem to have been eliminated - temporarily or permanently.

What does that mean? Night Elf players who have worried about Tyrande can take a sigh of relief for now. The fear that Tyrande will die from the power of Elune is unfounded and the danger has been averted for the time being. Her character also seems to slowly change again after the ritual. She hasn't gotten her revenge yet, but she's able to focus on other things again.

What do you think of Tyrande's redemption in patch 9.1? Do you think it's good that the threat is contained? Or did that make the character more interesting?

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