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Version complète : NBA2K player modeling
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It is worth mentioning that a new action engine is used in this game, so old players will find obvious differences after getting started. For example, once a mistake is made in marking, it is easy to make loopholes, and players with shorter bodies will be better than big men. More agile, players can no longer launch very aggressive sprints at any time, and they need to seize the opportunity to threaten the opponent. <a href="" target="_blank">2K22 MT</a>, Perhaps the new changes will make players uncomfortable, but it is indeed an engine that is closer to reality.

As eye-catching as the new engine is the new WNBA, which is the Women's Basketball League. This is a new experience for new and old players. The style and movement of women's basketball will be very different. You can feel the obvious difference, but don't doubt that they are definitely women and men. However, there is currently no way to create women's basketball players by yourself, and there is no corresponding career mode for players to play. We look forward to allowing players to have more exposure to this new content in subsequent updates.
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