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How to undo the impact of Long COVID-19 on your life - Version imprimable

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How to undo the impact of Long COVID-19 on your life - EllaJoy - 13-12-2022 10:21 AM

Regarding Long COVID, I thought it was just an exaggeration from netizens. I didn't regret that I didn't pay attention to protection until the virus invaded my body. I first had COVID 3 months ago, tested positive, thought it was just a cold, and took it for a day. In the end, it was too uncomfortable to test the antigen and nucleic acid by myself. I always feel tired when I go to work, post covid brain symptoms, feeling so tired. The symptoms are different every day. On the first day, I just felt like I had a cold. After that, I developed a fever, sore throat, and even tinnitus. In addition to taking medicine and drinking a lot of water, I just wanted to lie down. Finally, I couldn’t bear it and applied for sick leave. .

For two weeks, I struggled with the pain. With the passage of time, the symptoms of cold and fever gradually disappeared until the nucleic acid test was negative. However, the symptoms of my fatigue did not disappear, and my overall mental state was far worse than before. After returning to work, I was always unable to concentrate and always wanted to sleep. Other colleagues have also been infected, but I feel like they really just have a cold, why do I feel so hard? I also tried to go to the community hospital, and also tried to consult the LongCovidCareCenter, and concluded that I was a post covid brain fog caused by Long Covid, and I needed to do a detailed examination and customize a rehabilitation plan. Maybe I really need to take my physical health seriously, it It really affects my daily life very much.