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The difference between shipping - Version imprimable

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The difference between shipping - mohameeddzx - 20-02-2023 04:25 PM

The difference between shipping service and order delivery
Some people confuse shipping services with delivery requests, but a distinction must be made between them, which is as follows:
توصيل طلبات خميس مشيط
The shipping company needs a period of time to ship the product, and this period will not be less than 3 days.
As for the delivery of requests, it takes place in a short time by calling for about an hour or more, depending on the region, so it is an immediate and urgent service.
The home delivery service is less expensive than the shipping service, so it is easier and better to deal with.
Dealing with the shipping company requires many agreements to be concluded before the shipment process takes place, unlike the home delivery service, which depends on the immediate delivery of the product.