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Before designing the application - Version imprimable

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Before designing the application - mohameeddzx - 28-02-2023 11:51 AM

Before designing the application, the matter must be well planned, and a study should be done on the idea of ​​the application, including its expected form, its purpose, and the expected results after its creation.

In the planning stage, it is necessary to study the target audience who will use the application in the future in order to design the application according to their culture in order to make it easier for them to use and communicate through it.
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Application programming and design
This step is one of the most important steps that lead to the success of the application. The latest technologies must be used in designing the application, where you can use some ready-made templates and make modifications to them according to your vision in designing the application.

Of course, the design of the application will differ according to the activity designed for it, but make sure of the simple style and the appearance of the important icons that the customer needs.

When programming the application, it must be taken into account that it supports the feature of updates and development in the future in order to keep pace with the development we are witnessing and to allow the addition of modifications at any time.

Application testing
Once you have finished designing and programming the application, you will have a trial version, which will be tested by specialists in design and programming, to discover any gaps or defects in the application.

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Publish the application
After making sure that the application is ready for use and does not have any problems, you can publish it on platforms such as Google Play or the App Store, and this step requires that you have a developer account and it will cost you $ 25 in order to be able to display the application on the platforms.

You must develop a marketing plan in order to advertise the application and attract customers to it, so you must take good care of this step in order to be able to reach the audience.

Tips when designing a delivery application
There are some tips that will help you a lot when designing a delivery application, which are summarized as follows:

Making it possible to register orders directly to customers through the application.

It must be taken into account that there is a backup copy from which you can restore data in the event of the application being dropped.

The application must provide online payment services, with the need to send the invoice to the customer's email or phone number registered in the application.

The application must provide the feature of modifications to the request in the application, whether by addition or deletion.

A chat system must be provided in the application, in order to respond to customer inquiries.

It must be taken into account that the application allows the customer to follow up on the status of his order and the time remaining until he reaches it.

Attractive colors must be used in the design of the application and are comfortable for the eye.