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Conducting studies and research in all legal - Version imprimable

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Conducting studies and research in all legal - mohameeddzx - 01-03-2023 10:51 AM

Mumtaz Lawyer, Jeddah, Makkah, Saudi Arabia for Consultations and Legal Studies:
We are working to provide legal and legal advice to the client in various civil cases.
Administrative, criminal, commercial, labor, personal status and customs issues in accordance with the regulations in force in the Kingdom.
ايقاف الخدمات ناجز
Conducting studies and research in all legal, legal and regulatory fields.
Explain and provide legal opinion on how to deal with legal problems.
Whether it is simple or complex, it encounters customers during the course of work according to prevailing laws and regulations.

Directing and expressing advice and opinion regarding the various legal problems that may face family businesses.
The legal advice provided by the office is through a distinguished group of consultants specialized in the legal field.

As an excellent lawyer in Jeddah keeps pace with the developments and technologies of the times, in light of this accelerated era.

Each of us needs to know his duties, rights and legal position on a particular matter.
نظام العلامات التجارية هيئة الخبراء
Or towards a specific project submitted to it very quickly and also very accurately.

We have taken into account all this and not only limited to the traditional methods of communication between the office and the eager customers.

In order to take legal advice on a subject.